10, Lord Lugard street, Asokoro Abuja Nigeria.

UKRI Policy Support Fund: The future of critical public health deathcare infrastructure in England and Wales

Woodthorpe, K., Teggi, D. & Crawley, M.

Department of Social & Policy Sciences Centre for Death and SocietyInstitute for Policy Research (IPR) Centre for Qualitative Research

Project: Research-related funding

Overview Project Details


This project will create a research partnership between the Centre for Death and Society and the Institute for Cemetery and Crematorium Management, who together will generate and deliver evidence that will inform the Law Commission's once-in-a-generation review of critical public health legislation related to the care and disposal of the deceased.

Designed in collaboration with the Law Commission to maximise the relevance for the Commission's work, the project will conduct research on this critical public health infrastructure, which is under review as a result of growing concerns about its long term sustainability given rising fossil fuel costs, declining land availability, and the growth of new (unregulated) disposal technologies such as alkaline hydrolysis.

Layman's description

This project will create a research partnership between the Centre for Death and Society and the Institute for Cemetery and Crematorium Management, who together will generate and deliver evidence that will inform the Law Commission's once-in-a-generation review of critical public health legislation related to the care and disposal of the deceased.

Designed in collaboration with the Law Commission to maximise the relevance for the Commission's work, the project will conduct research on this critical public health infrastructure, which is under review as a result of growing concerns about its long term sustainability given rising fossil fuel costs, declining land availability, and the growth of new (unregulated) disposal technologies such as alkaline hydrolysis.

Short title £13586.60

Status Active

Effective start/end date 3/01/24 → 31/07/24

Collaborative partners
  • University of Bath (lead)
  • Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management
  • Law Commission
UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

RCUK Research Areas
Sociology Social policy


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Earth & Environmental Sciences
Public Health Health Legislation Cemetery Infrastructure Project Hydrolysis Fossil Fuel Sustainability Land Cost Policy

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